Mission Old Brewery


The Old Brewery Mission works with Montreal's homeless men and women, meeting their essential needs while finding practical and sustainable solutions to end chronic homelessness. We see a city where homelessness is prevented, treated and resolved for all.

Off-Site Volunteering

  • Food & Hunger
  • Up to 8 volunteers
  • $3,000 minimum donation

When you serve food to our residents at the Webster Pavilion, you contribute to their social reaffiliation and help us break the cycle of homelessness. It's an enriching and rewarding volunteer experience that will strengthen the bonds within your group and give you a better understanding of the issues in homelessness.

During the Supper Experience, you will also learn about the history of the Old Brewery Mission and its programs and services. You will be able to meet our residents while serving a nutritious meal and get a first-hand look at the realities of homelessness at our Webster Pavilion.